Frequently Asked Questions | Ice Shield
Q: How long after installation do I need to wait before operating my de-icers?
A: It is recommended that pressurization of the de-icers be minimized for 48 hours after installation. This results in the best long-term strength of adhesive bonds.
Q: How long after applying the 2 coats of 1300L do I have to install my de-icers?
A: De-icer application may be delayed for up to 48 hours. Keep the bond surfaces covered and clean.
If the delay is greater than 48 hours but less than 5 days, then re-stir the adhesive and apply another coat of adhesive to all previously cemented surfaces.
Allow at least one hour for the adhesive to dry completely before applying the pneumatic de-icer to the aircraft. A maximum of 3 coats of adhesive is allowed.
Q: Do I need to use the conductive cement on the perimeter of the de-cier?
A: Yes. Edge-sealing the de-icer protects the edge of the de-icer from substances that could degrade the adhesive bond.
It also provides an electrical path from the conductive surface of the de-icer to the aircraft surface.
Finally, the edge sealer makes a neat, straight edge on the de-icer installation, for a professional, finished look.
Q: What de-icer surface care product should I use?
A: We recommend Ice Shield Plus.
Ice Shield Plus is a silicone based liquid coating that reduces ice adhesion to pneumatic de-icer surfaces.
This reduced ice adhesion increases the efficiency and performance of the working de-icer.
We do not recommend the use of Armor All or similar products.
Q: What should I use to clean my de-icers?
A: Clean pneumatic de-icers, when needed, with a soap and water solution. Rinse with clean water. Do not use hot water.
Water should be comfortable to the bare hand. If cleaning compound MIL-C-25769 is used to clean the airplane, thoroughly rinse the pneumatic de-icer with clean water.
Q: What tools do I need to install Ice Shield pneumatic de-icers?
A: The Ice Shield pneumatic de-icer installation kit (P/N 2MA1414) will have most of the tools you will need to install your de-icers.
The kit includes rollers, a stitcher, vacuum block, scissors, utility knife and swabs.
Other items you will need include toluene, denatured alcohol, a plastic scrapper, chemical gloves, masking tape, chalk line, permanent marker and straightedge.
Q: What do you recommend to use to remove the leftover glue after removing my old de-icers?
A: We recommend Peerco 321 Adhesive Remover.
This product is environmentally and user friendly as it does not contain ketones like MEK.
Peerco #321 Adhesive Remover has a pleasant scent and is made of all natural ingredients.
Apply liberally to surface and allow to stand for 10 minutes. You may rinse off with water and wipe dry.